von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
I … Infantiles Schluckmuster – Infantile swallowing pattern:Thrusting of the tongue when swallowing not appropriate to the individual’s age.Interdentalität – Interdental:The tongue pushes between the teeth when pronouncing certain sounds...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
L … Laryngektomie – Laryngectomy:Removal of the larynxLaryngitis – Laryngitis:Inflammation of the larynxLate Bloomer – Late bloomer:A child who had a limited vocabulary but has acquired an age appropriate vocabulary by their third birthday. The...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
M … Morphologie – Morphology:The study of words and how they are formed. For example: verb conjugation, grammatical number, and when nouns, adjectives, and articles are changed according to the case.Mutismus – Mutism:A communication disorder...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
O … Orofaziale Dysfunktion/ Störung – Orofacial disfunction/ disorder:A muscle disorder of the mouth and face which affects muscle tone and tension due to motor, sensory, and/or skeletal abnormalities. Quelle: "Leitfaden Sprache Sprechen Stimme Schlucken"...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
P … Pharyngitis – Pharyngitis:Inflammation of the pharynx (throat)Phonation – Phonation:ArticulationPhonem – Phoneme:One of the smallest units of speech (a sound) which differentiates one word from another.Phonetische Störung – Phonemic...
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