von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
A … Aphasie – Aphasia: The loss of a previously held ability to speak or understand spoken or written language, due to disease or injury of the brain. For example, a stroke. Artikulationsstörung – Articulation disorder: An inability to speak due to a...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
D … Diskriminationsstörung – Disorder of distinguishing sounds:Difficulty with distinguishing similar sounds from one another.Dysarthrie – Dysarthria:A speech disorder resulting from a neurological injury in which the muscles that help a person speak...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
E … Echolalie – Echolalia:Repetition of words, phrases, and sentences uttered by another individual. Back Quelle: "Leitfaden Sprache Sprechen Stimme Schlucken" von J.Siegmüller und H.Bartels / Urban&Fischer...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
F … Fazialisparese – Facial nerve paralysis:A paralysis of the facial nerve, often affecting only one side of the face. Back Quelle: "Leitfaden Sprache Sprechen Stimme Schlucken" von J.Siegmüller und H.Bartels / Urban&Fischer...
von admin_warnke | Mrz 4, 2019
G … Gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit – Gastroesophageal reflux disease:A disease causing heartburn, acid reflux, stomach aches, coughing, swallowing difficulties, bloating, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and voice disorders.Glottis – Glottis:The opening...
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